Domain Backorders

Zwei Personen betrachten ein Dokument
  • Eine Grafik zur Darstellung von Auftragsrückständen

    Get exclusive access to one of the widest selections of TLDs for backorders at highly competitive rates

  • Eine Grafik, die leicht zu integrieren ist

    Free and easy to integrate, you pay only for successful backorders, helping you increase profits and boost your bottom line

  • Eine Grafik, die den perfekten Service darstellt

    It’s the perfect service for domain investors and brand protection specialists alike

Help Customers Get the Best Expired Names. Increase Your Profits. It’s a win-win.

Whether creating a new reseller account or adding to your existing services, offering domain backorders can help your customers get the domains they really want.

In addition to new domain registrations, domain backorders give you the opportunity to snag a taken domain name as soon as it becomes available.

This service is perfect for:

  • Resellers looking to add an additional product to their offering which has lucrative margins
  • Domain investors looking to secure valuable domain names for their portfolios
  • Retail customers pursuing new ideas and discovering names of interest
  • Corporate domain management clients claiming and recovering important names for their clients

Additionally, including domain names that are available for backorder in your search results creates a positive and actionable experience for your customers.

Why Choose CentralNic Reseller for Domain Backorder Services?

With our exceptional success rates, ease of use, and massive range of available backorder TLDs, we are the top choice for those looking to succeed and be at the top of their game.


Get more with CentralNic Reseller:

  • Integrate seamlessly through our API or use the control panel to start submitting backorders immediately
  • Increase your profits with some of the most competitive backorder pricing on the market
  • Get free daily access to detailed domain lists that are about to expire
  • Enjoy our dedicated expiring domain search engine via the API or the control panel to find the most valuable domain names about to go on the market
  • Easily view all domain backorders in your account and see real-time updates on their status

Learn more about how you can benefit from backorders by contacting our sales team or your account manager.

Get Exclusive Access to CentralNic Reseller’s Backorder-Lite Feature

Our backorder-lite feature gives you the chance to catch a domain name if it hasn’t already been captured in the regular backorder category. Allowing you to register expired domains under .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, at a discount, backorder-lites are processed after regular backorders and are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

With a simple flat fee price, backorder-lites are the feature of choice for those looking at a more passive way to build their portfolios. Not only do they give your customers the choice they want, it gives them added incentive to place backorders with your company.

Over 300 TLDs Available for Backorder!


  • .ac
  • .ag **
  • .bz **
  • .ca *
  • .cc
  • .co **
  • .fm
  • .io
  • .lc **
  • .me
  • .mn
  • .pw
  • .sc **
  • .sh
  • .tv
  • .vc **

* Successful backorders completed on a first-come, first-served basis only
** Third-Level Domain Backorders are also supported

  • .academy
  • .accountants
  • .actor
  • .agency
  • .apartments
  • .archi
  • .art
  • .asia
  • .associates
  • .auction
  • .band
  • .bar
  • .bargains
  • .bet
  • .bid
  • .bike
  • .bingo
  • .bio
  • .biz
  • .black
  • .blog
  • .blue
  • .boutique
  • .builders
  • .business
  • .cab
  • .cafe
  • .camera
  • .camp
  • .capital
  • .cards
  • .care
  • .careers
  • .cash
  • .casino
  • .catering
  • .center
  • .charity
  • .chat
  • .cheap
  • .church
  • .city
  • .claims
  • .cleaning
  • .clinic
  • .clothing
  • .club
  • .coach
  • .codes
  • .coffee
  • .college
  • .com
  • .community
  • .company
  • .computer
  • .condos
  • .construction
  • .consulting
  • .contractors
  • .cool
  • .coupons
  • .credit
  • .creditcard
  • .cruises
  • .dance
  • .dating
  • .deals
  • .degree
  • .delivery
  • .democrat
  • .dental
  • .design
  • .diamonds
  • .digital
  • .direct
  • .directory
  • .discount
  • .doctor
  • .dog
  • .domains
  • .education
  • .email
  • .energy
  • .engineer
  • .engineering
  • .enterprises
  • .equipment
  • .estate
  • .events
  • .exchange
  • .expert
  • .exposed
  • .express
  • .fail
  • .family
  • .fans
  • .farm
  • .finance
  • .financial
  • .fish
  • .fitness
  • .flights
  • .florist
  • .football
  • .forsale
  • .foundation
  • .fun
  • .fund
  • .furniture
  • .futbol
  • .fyi
  • .gallery
  • .games
  • .gifts
  • .gives
  • .glass
  • .global
  • .gmbh
  • .gold
  • .golf
  • .graphics
  • .gratis
  • .green
  • .gripe
  • .group
  • .guide
  • .guru
  • .haus
  • .healthcare
  • .hockey
  • .holdings
  • .holiday
  • .hospital
  • .host
  • .house
  • .icu
  • .immo
  • .immobilien
  • .industries
  • .info
  • .ink
  • .institute
  • .insure
  • .international
  • .investments
  • .irish
  • .ist
  • .jetzt
  • .jewelry
  • .kaufen
  • .kim
  • .kitchen
  • .land
  • .lease
  • .legal
  • .lgbt
  • .life
  • .lighting
  • .limited
  • .limo
  • .live
  • .loan
  • .loans
  • .london
  • .love
  • .ltd
  • .maison
  • .management
  • .market
  • .marketing
  • .mba
  • .media
  • .memorial
  • .mobi
  • .moda
  • .money
  • .mortgage
  • .movie
  • .net
  • .network
  • .news
  • .ninja
  • .onl
  • .online
  • .org
  • .partners
  • .parts
  • .pet
  • .photography
  • .photos
  • .pictures
  • .pink
  • .pizza
  • .plumbing
  • .plus
  • .poker
  • .press
  • .pro
  • .productions
  • .properties
  • .protection
  • .pub
  • .recipes
  • .red
  • .rehab
  • .reise
  • .reisen
  • .rent
  • .rentals
  • .repair
  • .report
  • .republican
  • .rest
  • .restaurant
  • .reviews
  • .rip
  • .rocks
  • .run
  • .sale
  • .salon
  • .sarl
  • .school

Domain Backorder FAQ

Every day, thousands of previously registered domains that haven’t been renewed by their registrants are released back to the general public. Many of these domains include attractive keywords making the competition strong to register them as soon as they become available. Our backordering system has been developed with the sole purpose of maximizing the chances of catching those domains exactly when the registry releases them. Placing a backorder with us dramatically increases the chances of getting the domain you want the minute it’s released.

You can submit backorders for any currently registered domain anytime, in any of our supported TLDs (see above). These orders remain on hold in our system and become activated if the requested domain is deleted and is scheduled for release by the registry.

We maintain lists of domains that are just about to become available. These lists are updated hourly and are available for free to all our resellers through the control panel. You can download the list for a specific TLD, or for all TLDs at once. You can also search for specific domains using the search function in the control panel or via the API.

No. All backorders are kept completely confidential from the public.

There are some occasions when there are multiple requests for the same domain name. When that happens, customers are invited to a private auction portal. Unlike other auction platforms, oursare not open to the general public and only customers who have placed a backorder are allowed to participate. As a CentralNic Reseller customer, you also get the added bonus of earning extra commission if your customer wins the name they want in the auction!

Our backorder service has one of the broadest TLD coverages in the market and is constantly fine-tuned to increase your chances of getting the domain you want. Registering recently released domains is a very competitive race, so unfortunately we cannot guarantee we will be successful every time though we focus on having strong success rates.

Backorder Lites are Backorders that are processed with a lower priority than regular ones, they’re also less expensive. In case of multiple Backorder Lites for the same domain, the first one received is awarded the domain. Regular Backorders always take precedence over Backorder Lites, and Backorder Lites are not invited to auctions for domains with multiple Backorder requests. Backorder Lite is available for .com, .net, .biz and .org.

Right now! Connect with us anytime to get started.