Trademark Service

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Trademark Clearinghouse Service

Protect your trademark rights in new gTLDs now and register your brand with our
Trademark Clearinghouse Service (TMCH).
As an accredited TMCH agent, we help you participate in new gTLD Sunrise phases, making registrations as simple as possible.

Protect your brands under new gTLDs with TMCH

Our registrar of record, Key-Systems, is an accredited Trademark Clearinghouse agent and provides support for trademark owners via CentralNic Reseller. Our service includes the submission of trademark data to TMCH, the participation in Sunrise phases of new gTLDs and the registration of the requested domains under new gTLDs (if possible).

With the introduction of numerous new generic top level domains (New gTLDs) in the 2013 trademark, domain owners faced a slew of new challenges. To help companies and individuals protect their trademark rights during the launch processes of new gTLDs, the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) was established as an obligatory service prescribed by ICANN. The TMCH validates trademark/brand rights, stores the information, and transmits it as needed to the operators/registries of new gTLDs. CentralNic Reseller’s TMCH service is available via API and control panel.

TMCH accepts the following trademarks: Registered trademarks, marks protected by statute or treaty, and court-validated trademarks.

Why should trademark owners register their trademarks with TMCH?

The registration with the TMCH is a prerequisite to qualify for participation in the Sunrise periods of new gTLDs, helping you benefit from the Trademark Claims Service.

Registries for new gTLDs give brand owners the opportunity to register their trademarks and brands with preference as domain names during a Sunrise period of at least 30 days after review by the TMCH.

The Trademark Claims Service will inform registrants attempting to register a domain that corresponds to a TMCH-validated trademark. If the registration is still successful, an alert will be sent to the trademark owner. The trademark claims period is 90 days.

To learn more about this important service, please contact us today.