
Maximilian Preuß
Marketing Manager

How to Choose the Best Domain Name for a Website

Choosing a domain name is one of the most important decisions to make when creating a website. The domain name is the online identity, the brand, and the first impression to the website visitors. It can also impact search engine optimization, credibility and recognition. But how do you choose the best domain name for a website? There are many factors to consider, such as the purpose of the site, the keywords you want to target, the availability of the domain, and the extension you want to use. In this blog post, we will share with you some tips and best practices on how to choose the right domain name for a website, and how CentralNic Reseller can help domain resellers supporting their end customers in that process.

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Tips and Best Practices to Find the Right Domain Name

Here are our guidelines to help you and your customers choose the best domain name for a website:

According to research from Domain Name Stat, 37% of all domains have the “.com” extension. This makes it the most popular and familiar extension for most users. If you can get a “.com” domain name that matches your site’s topic and brand, go for it!

However, if “.com” is not available or suitable for your site, you can also consider other popular extensions, such as “.org” or “.net”. These are also widely recognized and trusted by users.

2. Find suitable alternatives if your desired .com name is taken

Depending on your company’s location or the audience you want to address, you can also choose from a variety of country-specific and new generic extensions. If your customers are mainly based in Germany or Europe, they will trust pages with .de or .eu in the web address. If you are a startup or involved in the gaming industry, .ai or .io could be a great alternative to an already taken .com name. If you want to position yourself as a trusted online store and do well in Google search results, then you might want to choose a .shop or .store domain. There are many great options available nowadays!

3. Company name vs generic name?

To create a brandable domain name, you can use your own name, a catchy phrase, a made-up word, or a combination of words that are relevant to your site.

The choice of your domain name reflects what is important to you and how you want to position your company, your product or your mission on the market. For many companies, it makes sense to use the company name as the figurehead of their website such as If your company is primarily known by a product name, it could be a good idea to choose this term as the domain name.

Generic terms and fantasy words may also receive a great acceptance by the target audience. There are many examples in the world wide web that a generic or creative name has led to a significant branding success, for example or

You should make sure that your domain name is unique and stands out from the competition. It should reflect your site’s personality, voice, and value proposition. Avoid using hyphens, numbers, or misspellings that may make your domain name look unprofessional or spammy.

4. Shorter is better

A short domain name is easier to type, pronounce, and remember. It also reduces the risk of typos or errors when users enter it in their browsers or search engines. Ideally, you should aim for a domain name that is between 3 to 4 terms long. However, don’t sacrifice clarity or meaning for brevity. A longer domain name that conveys your site’s purpose and value may be better than a shorter one that is vague or ambiguous. For example:


The first one is longer but clearer. It tells you exactly what the site is about and what you can expect from it. The second one is shorter but obscure. It doesn’t give you any clue about the site’s topic or content.

5. Use keywords that reflect your website

Keywords are words or phrases that describe the main topic of your website. They help users find your site when they search for information related to your niche. They also help search engines understand what your site is about and rank it accordingly.

Using keywords in your domain name can help you boost your SEO rankings and attract more organic traffic to your site. However, don’t overdo it or use exact match domains (EMDs) that may look spammy or unnatural. For example:


The first one is an EMD that may raise red flags for search engines and users alike. It sounds too generic and self-promotional. The second one is a partial match domain that uses a keyword but also adds some value and differentiation. It sounds more credible and informative.

To find the best keywords for your domain name, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, or SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool. These tools can help you discover the most popular and relevant keywords for your niche, as well as their search volume, competition, and difficulty.

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6. Think long-term over short-term

Your domain name is not something you can easily change once you register it and build your site. Changing your domain name can affect your SEO, your brand recognition, and your user loyalty. Therefore, you should think long-term when choosing your domain name and make sure it aligns with your site’s vision and goals.

For example, if you plan to expand your site’s scope or content in the future, you should avoid using a domain name that is too narrow or specific. For example:


The first one is very limiting and may not allow you to cover other topics related to veganism, such as lifestyle, health, or activism. The second one is more flexible and may allow you to explore other aspects of plant-based living.

Similarly, if you plan to target a global audience or a different market in the future, you should avoid using a domain name that is too local or regional. For example:


The first one is very restrictive and may not appeal to users who are interested in other destinations or travel styles. The second one is more inclusive and may attract users who are curious about different cultures and experiences.

7. Check if it’s not trademarked

Before you register your domain name, you should check if it’s not trademarked by another company or entity. Using a trademarked domain name can lead to legal issues, such as lawsuits, fines, or domain seizure. You don’t want to risk losing your domain name or damaging your reputation because of a trademark infringement.

To check if your domain name is trademarked, you can use tools like Trademarkia, USPTO, or WIPO. These tools can help you search for registered trademarks in various countries and regions. If you find a trademark that matches or resembles your domain name, you should avoid using it or consult a legal expert for advice.

8. Use domain name generators when unsure

If you are having trouble coming up with a good domain name for your website, you can use domain name generators to help you out. Domain name generators are tools that can suggest domain names based on your keywords, preferences, and availability. They can save you time and effort and inspire you with some creative ideas. Some of the best domain name generators are:

  • Nameboy: One of the oldest and most popular domain name generators. It can generate hundreds of domain names based on one or two keywords.
  • Lean Domain Search: A fast and simple domain name generator. It can generate thousands of domain names based on a single keyword.
  • Domain Wheel: A smart and fun domain name generator. It can generate catchy and unique domain names based on your keywords and extensions.
  • Name suggestion tool available via CentralNic Reseller’s API & Control Panel: This tool generates alternative domain names to a given domain name or to a list of terms. For the generated results, you can directly perform a domain availability check for specific TLDs.

How CentralNic Reseller Supports Your Customers in Their Choice of Domain

It is crucial that you support your customers in the search and selection of a suitable domain name. A domain search should be a central part of your web presence or your online store, and information about the manifold TLD options should be well presented and easily accessible.

In this blog article we have given you many tips that can help your customers in their search for the best domain name for their purposes. It is advisable to offer your customers e.g. FAQ or blog articles on this topic. You can also break the topic down into smaller bites and use them in customer communications, for example in your newsletters, and thus offer your customers a great added value.

Domain Search via CentralNic Reseller’s API and Control Panel

CentralNic Reseller offers you a sophisticated and fast domain search available via API and web control panel.

The integration in the control panel is particularly suitable for presenting the advantages of the search function: The domain search is very convenient and easy to use. You can directly select specific TLDs from a list or include all TLDs in your search, as well as filter by popularity and search performance. The results are returned at high speed. You see if the names are free or unavailable for registration immediately. 

As mentioned above, CentralNic Reseller offers a Name Suggestion option that is directly integrated into the search. Thus, similar and alternative suggestions are made for the entered search term or domain name. In addition, the aftermarket is also searched for matching domain names that are taken but are for sale on auction platforms. It also checks whether a registered domain that matches the search term will soon be deleted and released (dropped) for registration again.  

You can easily integrate these functionalities via API into your system and make them available to your customers to support them as best as possible in their domain search and selection. Offering a domain availability check is one of the most important functions for selling domain names successfully and our name suggestion service is bringing it to another level. However, this is just one of the many benefits CentralNic Reseller offers you as your partner! 


Choosing the best domain name for a website is a crucial step in creating an online presence and growing a business. A domain name should be brandable, meaningful short, clear, keyword-rich, long-term, and not trademarked.

CentralNic Reseller can help you find and register the perfect domain names for your customers. With CentralNic Reseller, you can access over 1,100 TLDs, related web based products such as hosting and SSL certificates, free APIs, flexible pricing, reliable support, and advanced technology.

You want to become a domain reseller and we sound like a perfect fit, then sign up with us today to get started.

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